After my baby girl began preschool this year and I came home to an empty house I knew it was time to get a day job. They hired me on as an assistant at this little school and my days would now be filled with Lego tower competitions, snack distribution, and as many versions of "The Wheels on the Bus" that we could come up with.
What I didn't expect was that my music business began to grow and 12-hour days took the place of the lazy summer afternoons from the previous months.
You do what you have to in life and I have been blessed to have the energy, the good health, and most of the time, a good attitude to do it all. However, many things are placed on the back burner such as the bills that are not on auto-pay, arranging termite inspections, calling ATT to switch to U-verse, and with no bad intent, strengthening my spirituality.
I kept going along this very busy pattern. My house got messier, my car was running on empty most of the time and there was conflict among my family over summer work. It was like I was keeping myself as busy as I could so that I could forget my worries. Though my prayer life is consistent, it is often in someway interfered with life's distractions.
It was sometime between Wednesday and Thursday. I had managed to wake up that Thursday morning after somehow having slept though something I wished hadn't happened. I was paralyzed in physical pain. I never bothered to explore of what effects that tile flooring can cause to a weary body. And then the answer was very clear-INJURY!
I was somehow able to lay down in a comfortable position where I felt no pain. When I woke that next morning I wondered if I would be okay to go to work. When I realized that I didn't know how to get out of bed without tremendous pain, I then had to think of a way to explain to my boss that next morning as to how I could not come to work because I "fell."
As soon as I got that out of the way, I began to look up information online about what to for an injured tailbone (Coccyx, aka "Cuckoo" bone). It was very informative. I read about the causes, the treatments and, oh, also the part about the fact that it can take 4 weeks to two months to heal. The good news was that it can mostly be treated with at-home care.
Well, I managed to get into a comfortable position on the couch to finally make that call to ATT. I cried a little and then I screamed when my baby girl jumped on my couch. I cried again. Depression began to set in as I though about how just 24 hours ago, I was playing ball with the kids, practicing the piano, and driving a car..... things I was now not able to do. I was frozen in one position fearful to move. But I did. I figured out a way to ergonomically stand without irritating the injury. I was going to fight. I managed to find undistracted time for prayer. All I can say is that it was loud and
Though I had a goal to reestablish my mobility, I knew rest was also needed so I set up my "place" on my couch. After I balanced my finances, checked school progress on the school parent portal and called my investor to recover a password, I now had to find a way to be wise with my time because for the first time in a while, I would have plenty of it. In between ice packs, heat pads and ibuprofen, I returned to my online bible study, am reading a book about how to take my work as a leader of worship to the next level and reached out to a friend for prayer. I also studied my Spanish, watched Tim Hawkins videos on you-tube, atebpopcorn, and had a medicinal Jacuzzi party every night. Being injured was not really all bad.
I will heal quickly. It won't be two months. I don't believe that God "causes" injuries. Everyday I pray that I will ALWAYS be a work in progress and that no matter where I am or what I am doing, I will never spin my wheels. I also learned that sometimes the process has to be painful.
Please pray for me as I continue to recover.