Saturday, November 8, 2014

Cheap Glasses, Pantyhose, and Music Lessons


When I was  kid I wanted to be the kid who wore glasses. I even went as far as buying a pair of sunglasses, breaking the lenses out and just wearing the frames to school one day. Well, I had my classmates for a little while, but eventually, I had to come to grips with the fact that I was just going to have to accept the fact that I had 20/20 vision.

Later, as I got older, life without glasses was not as much of an issue when I saw how much trouble it was for my friends to care for their contact lenses while taking them out at night and the hopelessness if one of them got lost down the sink. I simply forgot about it and enjoyed the fact that I had good vision.

Well, apparently the joke is now on me that I, too, at this stage in my life know what it is like to open my Bible or my email without seeing something that looks similar to the letters on someones t-shirt on a reality show. Yes, after baby number 5, my good vision was a thing of the past.

Everyone warned me and I have much to look forward to as I have been told that the problem does not go away on it's own.

It hasn't been all that bad really. I managed to find some pretty decent reading glasses for about 5 dollars that I can purchase at Kroger. However, it does make for somewhat of a lifestyle change. I have to make sure I have them with me at all times when I leave for work, keep them away from Deidre and take every measure I can to prevent that sinking feeling when I cannot find them.

The only downside to cheap grocery store glasses is that I can usually get about two months wear out of them before the screw falls out and sides fall off. Sadly, today was that day for me.

Though I won't make it to the grocery store before work, it's nothing a little duct tape and a sharpie cannot fix. No one will notice a thing..... well, almost no one.

I teach music for a living and work with school-aged children one on one. Back in the day when I taught in a classroom, every hand in the class would ascend into the air simply due to a run in my pantyhose. When I would address the issue telling them that I was already aware of the problem, the hands would disappear.

Today, Norah asked "Why is there tape on you glasses?"

I no longer wear pantyhose. Additionally, maybe it's time for contacts.


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