Friday, October 24, 2014

Carrot Picnic

I'm not what you would call the "conventional" type. I have never really ever been afraid to do my own thing.

I'm gonna let you in on a few secrets. I take bubble baths by candlelight, I have a rocking chair at my desk, I sleep until 10 am sometimes and I love my non-9-to-5 job. Additionally, I sometimes just don't feel like sitting at a table for lunch. There are certain areas in my house that are just more comfortable. My rocking chair converts just fine to a lounge chair in my bedroom in front of the TV where I spend my lunch watching reruns of The Brady Bunch (besides this, I watch very little TV). It's something I've done since I was a kid and simply just can't explain.

Now that the older kids are in school and it's just me and Deidre, she often brings her lunch plate up to the bedroom to join me. It would be pointless to send her back down to the table as she would be back upstairs with her plate again the second I turned around. So I got a blanket, laid it out on the floor, turned on her favorite show and had a picnic right there in the bedroom.

She had a two quarters of a ham sandwich and I had a hot dog left over from the night before (I am the only one who eats the leftovers). We both had baby carrots on our plates. She ate her carrots and the next thing I realized, mine had disappeared from my plate. Since she had probably had her fill of carrots, she began to feed the remainder of my own to me. Up on her little knees, her tiny hand with the carrot was right in front of me. She smiled and laughed as I pulled it away with my teeth. As I chewed, she offered another which I took also as well as a third one after that. My mouth grew fuller with carrot bits as she kept them coming. She offered another while growing eager waiting for me to swallow. "Eat it." she said smiling, as I was unable to open my mouth. I took it anyway as I just could not say no.

10 minutes prior, I had no idea I would have this experience. One I will not too soon forget. It started with just a blanket.



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