Thursday, October 16, 2014

Prayer, Photography and Gas Prices

I prayed two prayers today. First of all, that God would make a photographer out

of me. Not necessarily a good photographer but at least someone who can operate

a camera and have that prompt that makes me think "I must get a picture of

that." as I swiftly grab my camera.

Up until now, my photography has kind of sucked. Anyone who has seen my photos

on my Facebook would probably agree. Some of my photos are too blurry, the

lighting is all wrong and I have cut off many heads. Also, not to mention the

fact that with the large tribe of kids I have, it is pathetic that I don't shoot

pictures as often as I should.

Now that I am a writer, it makes sense that I would have pictures to go along

with my stories. Since I have started writing, I am now starting to experience

those "prompts" which lead me to want to grab my camera to spontaneosly capture

the glimps and quite possibly throw a few more words together to go along with


Mike has a nice Fuji camera but the camera on my phone works okay. Sadly, I also

have a phone thats ready to die and does not hold a charge for more than a day.

As long as I'm prepared, I don't mind doing things on the cheap and keeping

things simple.

My second prayer has had to do with the gas prices these days. In 2008 to be

exact, gas prices were about what they have been lately....more than we should

be paying and leaving us filling our tanks only half way at the pumps (not that

this helps anything but at least we THINK we being more conservative). At the

time, I had just started a new job which required 60 mile round trip commute.

The gas prices miraculously dropped below $2.00 immediatly after I started. I

don't usually get that lucky. In 2010, I got pregnant with Deidre, left that job

and gas prices soared again.

It is now 2014 and I recently started another new teaching job which requires

another longer commute. You may be wondering what gas prices have to do with

cameras and taking pictures. It's rather simple. It "prompted" me to take a

picture of something I have not see in a while. 2010 to be exact.

Praying this continues.

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